The death of a loved one whether expected or sudden is a very difficult and distressing time. As your local independent funeral director we are here to help and advise in whatever way we can.
Registration of Death
You are legally required to register the death within 5 days except in certain circumstances, where the period may be extended to 14 days. If the Coroner is investigating the death he will issue a certificate directly to the registrar's office and then you will be required to register the death in the normal way.
Coroner's Inquest: In these cases it is not necessary for you to personally register the death.
People with legal responsibility to register include:
A relative
A person present at the death
The occupier of the premises where the death occurred if he/she knew it was happening
The person arranging the funeral (This does not mean the funeral director)
Registrar's appointments: 0300 1234 181
Between 8.00 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday
9.00 am to 4.00 pm Saturdays
Chy Trevail, Beacon Technology Park, Bodmin PL31 2FR
Mon 9.00 am - 12.30 pm 1.00 pm - 3.45 pm
Tues 9.30 am - 12.00 pm
Wed 9.30 am - 2.00 pm
Thurs 11.15 am - 2.00 pm
Frid 9.30 am - 12.30 pm
The following documents and information will be required
Certificate of Cause of Death from doctor or hospital
Full name
Date of birth
Place of birth
Date of birth of surviving partner
For Deceased Married Women
Married name
Husband's full name(even if deceased)
Husband's last occupation(even if deceased)
Upon registration the Registrar will issue
A green certificate for burial or cremation (If Coroner involved - only
for burial). This must be handed to the funeral director as soon as possible. -
A form for Social Security purposes.
Certified copies of the entry (death certificates) can also be obtained upon payment of the statutory fee.
How and when should you contact the Funeral Director?
Our service to you starts from the moment you contact us, whether by phone or by calling personally, to a point beyond when the deceased is laid to rest. The arrangements can be made either at our premises or at your home, whichever is more comfortable to you. On your initial contact we will ask you for preliminary details and may advise the removal of the deceased back to our premises as soon as possible. After initial details have been established we would then ask to meet and make final arrangements at a time and place that suits everyone involved. We will then arrange the funeral to a standard and procedure that will meet all your personal needs and requirements.